Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The chocolate theory

Chocolate is mostly cocoa and sugar and for me, too much cocoa is too bitter while too much sugar is too sweet. Hence, I love chocolates that are not bitter and not too sweet.

In a sense, I would like to have my life as how I love my chocolates, an equal mix of cocoa and sugar. There must be a balance as cocoa without sugar sucks as there would be too much bitterness while sugar without cocoa would not be chocolate anymore. In a sense, this could be applied to anything as extremes without moderation are really bad for health.

Similarly for love, too much bitterness would just cause hatred and sadness, while too much sugar would not make your love memorable as life is full of ups and downs. Without downs, would you appreciate the person in front of you?

Hence, that is my chocolate theory!

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